Tuesday, April 10, 2007

FInal thoughts on film

After watching "The Empire Strikes Back" for about the zillionth time, i actually saw it in a new light. I was so used to viewing it as a bridge between "star Wars" and "Return of the Jedi" that I never really saw it as an entity. I usually despise movies with sad endings, but I think I was able to watch this film with less bias since I already know everything turns out alright in the end. I'd never watched this particular film without the other two preceding and following, but I got a lot more out of it viewing it seperately.

1 comment:

mISTERnAIL said...

now, you've got me curious to know what was different about this viewing. what did you notice that you hadn't previously? i too never fully appreciated just how good empire was until i was older (although i remember talking with my third grade buddies about how funny we thought yoda was).